pp108 : Keyboard Shortcuts (XForms)

Keyboard Shortcuts (XForms)

This topic lists the keyboard shortcuts available in Process Platform XForms.

The following table lists the common keyboard shortcuts available in Process Platform XForms.

Table 1. Common keyboard shortcuts used in Process Platform XForms

Keyboard shortcut keys Description
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Y Redo
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete Cut
Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert Paste
Ctrl+S Save
F7 Open Script Editor

The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts available specifically for the Script Editor.
Table 2. Keyboard shortcuts specific to the Script Editor
Keyboard shortcut keys Description
Ctrl+Spacebar Displays options available in Intellisense.
. Displays the various properties and methods associated with the current object.
( Displays attributes applicable to a method.
Ctrl+I Displays attribute information for a method.
Esc Closes the prompt that displays object models.

The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts available specifically for the TabPage control.
Table 3. Keyboard shortcuts specific to the TabPage control
Keyboard shortcut keys Description
Ctrl + End Displays the last tab.
Ctrl + Home Displays the first tab.
Ctrl + Left Displays the previous tab in a horizontally-oriented tab group.
Ctrl + Right Displays the next tab in a horizontally-oriented tab group.
Ctrl + Up Displays the previous tab in a vertically-oriented tab group.
Ctrl + Down Displays the next tab in a vertically-oriented tab group.

The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts available specifically for the Artifact Viewer control.
Table 4. Keyboard shortcuts specific to the Artifact Viewer control
Keyboard shortcut keys Description
Arrow keys Enables navigation among the artifacts.
Alt+down arrow Selects to display the menu of a highlighted artifact.
Alt+up arrow Displays the context-menu of a highlighted artifact.
Menu Displays the context-menu for an Artifact Viewer.
Enter Performs the configured double-click action on a highlighted artifact.
Space Performs the configured single-click action on a highlighted artifact.

Related concepts

Script Editor

Related reference

Using the Undo and Redo Features
Script Editor Toolbar